FISE: Solidarity to the Greek teachers on strike

Προβολή εκτυπώσιμης μορφήςΑποστολή σε φίλοPDF version

The Greek government has unleashed a climate of intimidation against teachers, threatening to dismiss all teachers who participated to the general strike declared by the unions to block the closure of the state broadcaster  (ERT).

In many cities of Greece teachers clustered in PAME organized marches, protests and demonstrations.

In one of their announcement, forces of PAME in the public sector point out the following:

  • "The response of the whole working class must be direct and fast, if the government dares to implement its threats.
  • Stop the persecution now- No one is alone.
  • Enough with the policy of "law and order". We demand that the mobilization of all employees who are under this regime to be lifted.
  • We urge all organizations and clubs of the country to stand by the side of teachers - strikers and condemn the authoritarianism of the governmental coalition. "

The Secretariat of FISE invites the unionists and the unions to express their solidarity to the Greek teachers. To denounce the Greek government, which is trying by all means to vanquish the right to strike and to organized struggle against its policy.

We also, invite them to denounce the teachers’ and public servants’ dismissals and the abolition of schools and public institutions.



The Executive Secretariat

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